Thinking of writing your own website copy? Think again. Being knowledgeable about your business or industry doesn’t automatically make you a qualified copywriter. Conversion-focused copy with keyword research will determine how well your website brings in high-quality leads.

What to Include in your Website Style Guide
Every website design project has to have a web style guide, with info on how to represent your brand online. If you don’t have these guidelines from working with a brand designer, we’ll develop them together prior to starting your website project.
How to build a Marketing Funnel for Your Service Business
Develop a marketing funnel to understand your customers and build a conversion strategy that speaks to them. The three main stages of the marketing funnel represent a client’s journey from learning about your business, gathering information, to deciding to buy from you.
SEO for Your New Website
Getting leads is the sole reason people build websites. But your site will not magically start showing up in search results the day after you launch. You have to spend time promoting it to get found online. Here are some marketing strategies to do just that.
Time for a New Website Manager
You’ve got a successful business to run. And you don’t want to waste good money on bad website management. If you don’t have time to DIY, here’s what a good manager can do for you.
Comfortable Talking About Money
Every time I bring on a new client, I ask if they plan to show prices on their website. What usually follows is so much hemming. And hawwing. So much awkward. Talking about money can be a huge stress factor. Let’s look at ways to get past the nervous feelings.
Add a Blog to Your Website
Adding a blog to your small business website is one of the best marketing moves you can make. Consistent blogging can drive traffic to your site, where you can nurture curious visitors into loyal fans, and from there to paying customers.
How Effective is Your Questionnaire?
Many of us send questionnaires, hoping the answers will shine a magical light into a business owner’s needs. But clients often race through the forms, tossing out haphazard answers, just to be done. Are questionnaires effective?
Should I Show Prices On My Website?
It’s a question that comes up all the time. My network of marketing pros have had many debates about the pros and cons, with newbies and seasoned pros weighing in on the topic. Transparency, knowing your value, and multi-tier pricing all factor into the winning decision: just do it.
Email Marketing Done Right
Everyone you want to do business with has an email account. And everyone checks their email daily, several times per day. It’s usually one of the first things we do each morning. Email marketing is one of the smartest ways you can spend your advertising budget – if you do it right.
Branding Your Business
Savvy business owners know who their ideal audience is, and develop branding that appeals to them. Also important: knowing who is *not* the target audience. Trying to appeal to everyone is a common newbie mistake and a red flag for buyers. Let’s go over some branding basics and I’ll share some resources that cover the topic in greater detail.
The Difference Between Email Marketing and Newsletters
It’s easy to lump together the concepts of “sending out email newsletters” and “doing email marketing.” But it’s important to understand the difference, and to learn to utilize where they overlap so you can create strategies that work for you.

Do I Need a Copywriter for My Website?
Thinking of writing your own website copy? Think again. Being knowledgeable about your business or industry doesn’t automatically make you a qualified copywriter. Conversion-focused copy with keyword research will determine how well your website brings in high-quality leads.

What to Include in your Website Style Guide
Every website design project has to have a web style guide, with info on how to represent your brand online. If you don’t have these guidelines from working with a brand designer, we’ll develop them together prior to starting your website project.

How to build a Marketing Funnel for Your Service Business
Develop a marketing funnel to understand your customers and build a conversion strategy that speaks to them. The three main stages of the marketing funnel represent a client’s journey from learning about your business, gathering information, to deciding to buy from you.

SEO for Your New Website
Getting leads is the sole reason people build websites. But your site will not magically start showing up in search results the day after you launch. You have to spend time promoting it to get found online. Here are some marketing strategies to do just that.

Time for a New Website Manager
You’ve got a successful business to run. And you don’t want to waste good money on bad website management. If you don’t have time to DIY, here’s what a good manager can do for you.

Comfortable Talking About Money
Every time I bring on a new client, I ask if they plan to show prices on their website. What usually follows is so much hemming. And hawwing. So much awkward. Talking about money can be a huge stress factor. Let’s look at ways to get past the nervous feelings.

Add a Blog to Your Website
Adding a blog to your small business website is one of the best marketing moves you can make. Consistent blogging can drive traffic to your site, where you can nurture curious visitors into loyal fans, and from there to paying customers.

How Effective is Your Questionnaire?
Many of us send questionnaires, hoping the answers will shine a magical light into a business owner’s needs. But clients often race through the forms, tossing out haphazard answers, just to be done. Are questionnaires effective?

Should I Show Prices On My Website?
It’s a question that comes up all the time. My network of marketing pros have had many debates about the pros and cons, with newbies and seasoned pros weighing in on the topic. Transparency, knowing your value, and multi-tier pricing all factor into the winning decision: just do it.

Email Marketing Done Right
Everyone you want to do business with has an email account. And everyone checks their email daily, several times per day. It’s usually one of the first things we do each morning. Email marketing is one of the smartest ways you can spend your advertising budget – if you do it right.

Branding Your Business
Savvy business owners know who their ideal audience is, and develop branding that appeals to them. Also important: knowing who is *not* the target audience. Trying to appeal to everyone is a common newbie mistake and a red flag for buyers. Let’s go over some branding basics and I’ll share some resources that cover the topic in greater detail.

The Difference Between Email Marketing and Newsletters
It’s easy to lump together the concepts of “sending out email newsletters” and “doing email marketing.” But it’s important to understand the difference, and to learn to utilize where they overlap so you can create strategies that work for you.